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Securing Your
Financial   Future

I Got Bank® was established in 2019 with a mission to lead the youth financial literacy revolution.
I Got Bank CEO
I Got Bank CEO

How It Started

Orange County Public Library Childrens Business Fair -Sariel-Zion-Orlando-Nov17

My first-grade teacher Mrs. Walker gave the class a group project to create a business. The groups decided what they were planning to sell. In my group, we sold snacks. A cash register was available for transactions. I was thrilled with the outcome of this lesson. I came home and begged to have my own business that served other kids.

After a few months, my mom noticed an advertisement on the public library’s website for a Children’s Business Fair. The Acton Children’s Business Fair co-sponsored an event at the public library.

Quick Facts

Speaking Engagements



Families Revolutionized

gold money bag

We’re based in  metro Atlanta, Georgia

I Got Bank CEOs
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